Stormy Banks and Sweet Rivers: A Sacred Harp Geography
...a limited number of tunes. Singing schools emerged to teach lay-persons the basics of reading and performing music. These schools operated independently of any congregation or denomination and were run...
African Americans in Atlanta: Community Building in a New South City
...located east and west of downtown. Although most were common laborers, a small number, perhaps less than ten percent, stood above the masses by virtue of their occupation, education, or...
The Makers of the Sacred Harp
...In the case of the “revival spiritual songs” that began to appear in great numbers in 1840s tunebooks, including The Sacred Harp, Steel speculates that some may have had their...
University of Texas Press and Southern Spaces Katrina Bookshelf Series Collaboration
...was nearly emptied of life. If measured by the number of lives it claimed, Katrina does not qualify as the worst disaster in our history. But it was far and away...
Latinos, the American South, and the Future of US Race Relations
...estimated in April 2006 that "there must be 10,000 to 20,000 immigrant workers in the region by now, and the number is going to grow."3Sam Quinones, "Migrants Find a Gold...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two the US—to be white people descended from Scot-Irish, emigrants, fleeing poverty in Europe, moving from the eastern seaports of the US further south and east, looking for cheap land —...
Just a number, Old Bryce Hospital Cemetery, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 2007
Mapping the "Big Minutes": Visualizing Sacred Harp's Geographic Coalescence and Expansion, 1995–2014
...this decentralized music culture. Minutes detail the name of each song leader, the page number(s) of song(s) each person led, the names of officers and committee members, these committees' reports,...
The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On
...latest technology: Princess phones played recorded messages and elaborate electric maps traced troop movements. A Mercury space capsule proudly perched nearby, an incongruous and yet resonant symbol of the unified...
Frank Willis
...I dance in toe shoes to the Beach Boys, in shame. Growing up in Washington I rode D.C. Transit, knew Senators, believed the Washington Monument was God's pencil because my...