The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...with the cost of flights and the initial recovery period in a hotel, it was cheaper to do so there than in the United States. Hearing her story, Ash insisted...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South and healing where there were small numbers of Black patients.11Fett, Working Cures. Gonaver warns us not to read Galt's attitude as any kind of emancipatory rhetoric, but as representing...
New Patterns of Segregation: Latino and African American Students in Metro Atlanta High Schools
...For example, researchers calculate the number of Latinos attending schools with more than 50% minority enrollments in district X divided by the total number of Latinos in school district X....
Genres of Southern Literature
Introduction Booklover's Map of the United States, 1949. Map by Amy Jones. Courtesy of the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection. Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA-3.0. "Southern literature" announces the conjunction...
Catfish Dream: An African American Vision in the Delta
...tandem with the white-dominated industry, the government constricted the flow of catfish that Scott had been buying, cash, to process and take to market himself. The plant closed at a...
Wherein the South Differs from the North: Naming Persons, Naming Places, and the Need for Visionary Geographies natural to any one thinking that it is pleasant to be one.... Once in talking and saying that in America the best material is used in the cheapest things...
"Closest to Everlastin'": Ozark Agricultural Biodiversity and Subsistence Traditions
Introduction This here tale begins in the summer of that year, whatever year it was . . . The year don't matter. The national situation don't even matter, because even...
Uncovering Networks of (Mis)Communication in Early America
...disparate strands of evidence in Spanish, English, French, and indigenous language sources into a larger tapestry characterized by the irony of communication, she leaves a number of loose ends. Mentioning...
"The Emblem of North American Fraternity": Opossums and Jim Crow Politics
...a season, totaling several thousand in his lifetime.46"Howard Horton on Possums," The Atlanta (GA) Constitution, Oct. 24, 1885, 7. Among his clients were white doctors and businessmen, along with politicians,...
John Cohen in Eastern Kentucky: Documentary Expression and the Image of Roscoe Halcomb During the Folk Revival
...High Lonesome," Folkstreams,,92, 2-3. Roscoe Halcomb allowed Cohen to visit him at home on a number of occasions to record, photograph, and film him. Cohen produced a remarkable documentary, The...