Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...stability and holds much energy in its web—energy that in simpler systems (a field of weeds just after a bulldozer) is lost back into the sky or down the drain."...
Negotiating Gender Lines: Women's Movement across Atlanta Mosques
...of a substantial number of prosperous black Atlantans, we might imagine that African American Muslims are more likely to live in Atlanta than in Chicago in the same neighborhoods or...
Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
Review When Hernando de Soto's army of six hundred soldiers reached the middle Savannah River in 1540, arriving in what is today South Carolina and Georgia, they likely thought they...
Counterblast: How the Atlanta Temple Bombing Strengthened the Civil Rights Cause
...Brickner, October 12, 1961, box 5, folder 8, Rothschild Papers, 1933–1985, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University, Atlanta. Rothschild was active in a number of liberal organizations, including...
The Web of Cis-Atlantic History: A Review of Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World define that uniqueness as the result of the interaction between local particularity and a wider web of connections" (3). Louisiana, with its location in the geographic center of the...
New Patterns of Segregation: Latino and African American Students in Metro Atlanta High Schools
...For example, researchers calculate the number of Latinos attending schools with more than 50% minority enrollments in district X divided by the total number of Latinos in school district X....
Race, Capitalism, and the Rise and Fall of Black Beach Communities
Review Building on a rich literature that explores the spatial dimensions of US race relations and capital formation, Andrew Kahrl's The Land Was Ours traces the histories of African American...
Besieged Terrain
...The technique destroys forests, introduces heavy metals into drinking water, vastly increases erosion and flooding, and reduces the number of many species of birds, especially wood warblers, and other rare...
An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...however, something unexpected happened. An African American named Brenda Ethridge stepped up to the microphone. She introduced herself as a descendant of Aunt Grace, the first slave owned by Chang...
Carolina's Caribbean Origins: A Review of Hubs of Empire
...Anglophone Caribbean's plantation zone. The founding of a settlement that became Charleston, South Carolina, by a group of planters from Barbados in the 1670s functions as the analytical core of...