No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...everywhere you need to go." A housing authority worker said: That was the biggest complaint that we had from the clients in that they were so used to the New...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...recounts how Association members promoted laws and zoning practices that shut down bars and blocked live music, leading to fewer venues for brass bands and other New Orleans musicians. The...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange the onslaught of ecologically destructive development that looms on Cuba's horizon will come through cooperation and exchange, not isolation. What we do know about Cuba's agricultural innovations is that...
Starlit Screens: Preserving Place and Public at Drive-In Theaters
...other entertainment venues, scholarship on segregation at the drive-in is almost nonexistent. There are indications that such segregation may have been the norm in Dixie. Robert Weyeneth notes that the...
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
...consuming recorded music. For Kun, "music functions like a possible utopia for the listener, that music is experienced not only as sound that goes into our ears and vibrates through...
Queer Memory: Loss, Martyrs, and Memorialization in Southern Florida and out, up and down, hither and thither. We know not what comes next, or what follows after. Thus, the most ordinary movement in the world, such as sitting...
Hoboken Style: Meaning and Change in Okefenokee Sacred Harp Singing
...elder Lee at age 85. As Johnny Lee, Silas's nephew and David's father, remarked that day, "A lot has changed since 1958 …[What has not changed are] this book (the...
African American Community Building in Atlanta: A Guide to the Study of Race in America
...marriage illegal denied to mixed race children all claims to White property and, more significantly, to White identity. The codes that restricted property ownership and the vagrancy laws that permitted...
Crosses, Flowers, and Asphalt: Roadside Memorials in the US South
...of speed limits. The written legal code and the enforcement efforts do not always affect what one encounters on the highway. Despite the legal sanctioning of memorial plantings and state...
Cajun South Louisiana
...began efforts to reclaim a French ethnic heritage that could coexist with Americanization. The Roman Catholic Church was one institution that promoted an ethnic French identity that connected south Louisiana...