Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: The Views in Virginia and Mississippi
...reported that the number was optimistic, as just six percent of programming time went to news. Yet both local and national news broadcasts remained powerfully resonant. Local segregationists wanted a...
Coalfield Generations: Health, Mining, and the Environment
...lights on, businesses like Wal-Mart are becoming the major employers. When mines close and the number of miners decreases, company housing may deteriorate, be abandoned, or replaced by mobile homes....
Ways of Unseeing: Crowdsourcing the Frame in Roger May's Looking at Appalachia
...people have drawn on a limited number of tropes. Whether Bayard Wootten's photographic illustrations for Cabins in the Laurel,1Muriel Earley Sheppard, Cabins in the Laurel (Chapel Hill: University of North...
The Liminal Site
...with a Chinese or Japanese provenance—daphnes, gardenias, camellias, lacecap hydrangeas. (While there were several evergreen azaleas already on the property, however, I was not tempted to add to their number.)...
Lift Every Voice and Sing: The Quilts of Gwendolyn Ann Magee
...of fancy.2Edith Mayfield Wiggins, telephone conversation with author, July 10, 2014. Hers was a childhood surrounded by art publications and crafts in various media, and included museum trips to New...
Collaborative Atlanta Studies Website Gathers Original Scholarship, Research, and Projects on Atlanta
...reviewed by the editorial board. also offers a gateway to several projects and resources. Current featured projects are the ECDS's Battle of Atlanta smartphone-accessible tour; the Peoplestown Project about the...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...median for all groups—Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics. Hispanics in West Columbia appear to have both higher numbers in poverty and higher household incomes than Hispanics or Blacks in Columbia or...
"Out Yonder on the Road": Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast Missouri
...the winter months, and invest their gains in labor-saving machinery, such as tractors. Between 1936 and 1941, the Bootheel's tenancy rate—which measured the number of those who did not own...
James Holland, Riverkeeper: Environmental Protection along the Altamaha take, returning the rest to forage through the delta mud. The numbers in the coolers spoke: they were falling, 300 pounds, 225, 175. Every year they fell—he remembers 1,500...
Besieged Terrain
...The technique destroys forests, introduces heavy metals into drinking water, vastly increases erosion and flooding, and reduces the number of many species of birds, especially wood warblers, and other rare...