Creolization as Cultural Continuity and Creativity in Postdiluvian New Orleans and Beyond
...Katrina and Intangible Culture Hurricane Katrina caused over 1.2 million people to flee greater New Orleans, where levees failed to protect both urban and outlying areas. I have elsewhere described...
"Our Country"—Benjamin E. Wise's William Alexander Percy
...other men.3Quoted in Robert Chauncey, Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Makings of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940 (New York: Basic Books, 1994), 179. It was against this...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...and sponsored by a "society of men of color." A recent immigrant to Paris, Séjour was in an amenable environment among kindred spirits who shared his sentiments about slavery. La...
Reckoning with Enslavement
...trace their lineage to White Marsh, one of the Jesuit-owned plantations located in Prince George's County, Maryland. Census of people to be sold, Maryland, 1838. This is the original list...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...eds., Sherman's Civil War: Selected Correspondence of William T. Sherman, 1860–1865 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999), 639. Despite several battlefield setbacks, most severely at Kennesaw Mountain on...
Whatwuzit?: The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Reconsidered
...Atlanta was voted number two in Fortune's 1995 'Best Cities for Business' list, the city also ranks number two in the nation in income disparity between blacks and whites, number...
Negotiating Gender Lines: Women's Movement across Atlanta Mosques
...of a substantial number of prosperous black Atlantans, we might imagine that African American Muslims are more likely to live in Atlanta than in Chicago in the same neighborhoods or...
"This is Not Dixie:" The Imagined South, the Kansas Free State Narrative, and the Rhetoric of Racist Violence Kansas' hands what it called the "degenerate municipality."39Atchison Daily Globe, January 22, 1901; Leavenworth Times, January 25, 1901; Leavenworth Times, January 26, 1901; Leavenworth Times, January 27, 1901. Although the resolutions were...
Dixie Destinations: Rereading Jonathan Daniels's A Southerner Discovers the South
...South with Related Documents (Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1996), 19-20; and Steve Davis, "The South as 'The Nation's No. 1 Economic Problem': The NEC Report of 1938," Georgia Historical Quarterly 62...
Spectacles of American Nationalism: The Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama Painting and The Birth of a Nation
...Weekly 25, no. 1275 (June 4, 1881). Decoration Day, later known as Memorial Day, originated in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War as an annual observance in which each...