The Seventeenth Southern Writers Symposium: September 19–20, 2003 at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
...relations. Hooper's distrust of self-interest as the basis of social order did not make him a traditionalist by any means. He doubted that the traditional order could contain freedom any...
Returning Home, Saxon Mills
...carrying her clothes, my unborn sister, nothing left of marriage but the cheap ring. There was her father, Lonnie, the house painter, in Lantana. Lonnie, always drinking, laughing at poverty....
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,'Who Do You Think Of?": Part One
...graduating class? When the company was fined, each worker's death was worth only $55,000-a sum acceptable to any company willing to offset that cost and more by the extra production...
"The Emblem of North American Fraternity": Opossums and Jim Crow Politics
...(New York: Forest and Stream Publishing Company, April 1899), 111, Enterprising farmers found commercial potential in raising opossums. Their efforts joined other uncommon industries labeled as "freak farms."50For a...
Carolina's Caribbean Origins: A Review of Hubs of Empire
Review Any historical account requires a framing device—temporal, thematic, or geographical—establishing the scope of enquiry. A Caribbean history typically invokes fairly settled geographical parameters that delimit the area to insular...
Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
...interdisciplinary approach to gain new insights into this shifting social and political landscape. He uses the formation of the Catawba Nation from many smaller groups, known as coalescence, to understand...
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South and healing where there were small numbers of Black patients.11Fett, Working Cures. Gonaver warns us not to read Galt's attitude as any kind of emancipatory rhetoric, but as representing...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
Introduction to the Battle of Atlanta Project Confederate and Union troops in close combat, Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama, Atlanta, Georgia, 1886. Painting by the American Panorama Company. The fall of...
Somewhere Like Real Life: On Richard Linklater's Boyhood
...settle on any image for more than a few seconds, save for two: the cover of Paul Goodman's Growing Up Absurd (1960), and one of the revelers preparing to heave...
Dixie Destinations: Rereading Jonathan Daniels's A Southerner Discovers the South
...had reached many of his conclusions before he ever set out. "My virtue, if any, as commentator lies in my comparative ignorance," he wrote, not entirely dishonestly, in his first...