Spectacles of American Nationalism: The Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama Painting and The Birth of a Nation
...Struggle Over Cuba and the Rebirth of the American Republic (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019), 136; Leon F. Litwack, "Hellhounds," in Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America,...
Race, Capitalism, and the Rise and Fall of Black Beach Communities
...coast, were formally excluded from the beach after the Army Corps of Engineers cleared the mangroves and laid down the miles-long strip of white sand along the Mississippi Gulf Coast....
Queer Memory: Loss, Martyrs, and Memorialization in Southern Florida
...Orlando1Virginia Woolf, Orlando: A Biography (Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 1956), 78. Sankofa: go back to fetch it. The implied subject is the imperative "you," as in "you go back to fetch...
The Worst of Times: Children in Extreme Poverty in the South and Nation
...continue beyond the first half of 2010. From June 2009 through March 2010, the number of jobless workers continued to grow in the South and the West. The number of...
Wherein the South Differs from the North: Naming Persons, Naming Places, and the Need for Visionary Geographies
...is natural to any one thinking that it is pleasant to be one.... Once in talking and saying that in America the best material is used in the cheapest things...
"Closest to Everlastin'": Ozark Agricultural Biodiversity and Subsistence Traditions
Introduction This here tale begins in the summer of that year, whatever year it was . . . The year don't matter. The national situation don't even matter, because even...
Whole Cloth Chintz Wedding Quilt [ca 1850]
...flowers achieved with a limited number of colors and characteristic dotted backgrounds in black or blue." More expensive than everyday fabrics, the choice of an imported chintz for a wedding...
In Good Faith: Working-Class Women, Feminism, and Religious Support in the Struggle to Organize J. P. Stevens Textile Workers in the Southern Piedmont, 1974–1980
...this map, click here. At the most distant zoom level, only Stevens mills with significant union action are labeled. The larger the marker the greater the number of employees and...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?
Review The defeat of the Confederacy, the prospect of military occupation and Republican state government, and the financial collapse of many plantations and businesses sent a number of white southerners...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...of the Ohio, together numbered approximately one hundred thousand troops as they approached the city, but only about twenty-seven thousand of them fought in the Battle of Atlanta.11Woodworth, Nothing But...