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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Southern Spaces: A Partial History

...out with assistance from a Georgia Tech web designer. As someone new to digital humanities, being involved in that process helped me learn a great deal about how to build...

A Conversation with Digital Historians humanists often try to engage the public and other digital humanists, most of us make little effort to reach academics who are not themselves working digitally. Other digital humanists...

Sea Changes in Personhood," inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's theory of the minor, stemming from human, parahuman,1"Parahuman" indicates the zone of connection between human animal, other animals, and the environment. animal,...

The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance

...rifle pits, and closely-packed, sharpened obstacles designed to deter enemy assaults.10Ibid., 51. Auction and negro sales, Whitehall Street, near present-day Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, ca. 1864. Wet plate negative by George Barnard....

Genres of Southern Literature

...Heilman's essay, entitled "The Southern Temper," a seminal exercise in genre making (it was first published in 1952 in Louis Rubin and Robert Jacobs, Southern Renascence, and was reprinted in 1961 in Rubin...