Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach
...in Washington, DC, Mildred and Richard decide, in violation of state law, to move back to Virginia with their three young children. They find a farmhouse. It has no telephone...
Race, Capitalism, and the Rise and Fall of Black Beach Communities
Review Building on a rich literature that explores the spatial dimensions of US race relations and capital formation, Andrew Kahrl's The Land Was Ours traces the histories of African American...
Making Space: A Review of Robert Paulett's An Empire of Small Places
Review Understanding the creation of social spaces in an unfamiliar landscape is, according to Robert Paulett, a productive way to account for eighteenth-century developments in the American Southeast, particularly in...
Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
Review When Hernando de Soto's army of six hundred soldiers reached the middle Savannah River in 1540, arriving in what is today South Carolina and Georgia, they likely thought they...
New Patterns of Segregation: Latino and African American Students in Metro Atlanta High Schools
...For example, researchers calculate the number of Latinos attending schools with more than 50% minority enrollments in district X divided by the total number of Latinos in school district X....
"The Room that We're Able to Take Up": Forrest Lawson's Queer Aesthetic
...I specifically reference the Pulse tragedy in my work with the number 49. A lot of my work features the multiplicity of that number. The blood slide pieces in What...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...median for all groups—Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics. Hispanics in West Columbia appear to have both higher numbers in poverty and higher household incomes than Hispanics or Blacks in Columbia or...
Counterblast: How the Atlanta Temple Bombing Strengthened the Civil Rights Cause
...Brickner, October 12, 1961, box 5, folder 8, Rothschild Papers, 1933–1985, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University, Atlanta. Rothschild was active in a number of liberal organizations, including...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...portrays Uncle Julius as polyvocal, assuming competing poses and agendas. Julius is an entertainingly imaginative raconteur whose story involves the supernatural, folkloric, amusing, and outlandish descriptions. He is a cunning...
Reckoning with Enslavement
...as superior, like all other enslavers in the early American republic. His account is the most balanced examination of the Jesuit role in slaveholding, yet his stance is similarly apologetic....