Diversity and Its Discontents: A Review of Behind the White Picket Fence
...and insisting that they work to better the neighborhood for all residents, board members excuse themselves from considering the fundamental importance of inclusion. Mayorga-Gallo illustrates how the association's promotional practices...
Closer to the Ground: A Conversation with Ann Pancake
...the characters who use dialect as "less than" the writer, the reader, and the characters who don't use dialect. Or, one can use dialect in a culturally sensitive and less...
An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...would follow religiously till their last breath. While the fear of miscegenation between black and white had remained the driving force behind Helper's abolitionist rhetoric, the union between Asian and...
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia
...otherwise abuse the resource. Each must establish a means of conflict resolution and governance. In the event that residents need to sue the community or other residents, they would use...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange
...wild landscapes have remained virtually untouched." Ironically, the photograph the PBS program chose to use on its opening page shows a site that is far from a "natural" area devoid...
Africana Archives: Making Art at the Schomburg
...of a national network of what anthropologist St. Clair Drake used to call the "vindicationist school" of black intellectuals. Responding to what I have called the reigning unwisdom of the...
An Unflinching Look: An Interview with Photographer Benjamin Dimmitt
...use of the word “lens” I had never heard of before, but I got it right away—that exists between saltwater coming into the aquifer and the freshwater that's already in...
Slavery's Traces: In Search of Ashley's Sack
...southeast of the present-day town of Allendale. The will of Robert Martin stipulates that his house on Charlotte Street, its furniture, and "house servants" will remain in the custody of...
Authorship in Africana Studies
...often themselves examples of brittle misunderstanding(s) of the conditions of their own labor. The Academy's big house, the "Euroamerican order of the center," and the black culture center's small house,...
Scales of Slavery on the Mason-Dixon Line: A Review of Gleanings of Freedom
Review Max Grivno's subtle and remarkably textured history of labor in northern Maryland and southern Pennsylvania, Gleanings of Freedom: Free and Slave Labor along the Mason Dixon Line, 1790–1860, details...