Memphis: Cotton Fields, Cargo Planes, and Biotechnology
...will become a "world-class" city with references to enhancing the dynamics of distribution, promoting a revitalized downtown, building sports arenas, expanding the zoo, redeveloping the riverfront, and promoting the city's...
Call for Submissions: Landscapes and Ecologies of the U.S. South Proposals due: January 31, 2011
...former quarry, Arabia Mountain, Georgia, 2010. For this series, Southern Spaces will publish multimedia pieces that engage environmental themes in the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies. Article topics might include...
Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World
...the various iterations of Lousiana's colonial slave codes, analyzing in rich, often imaginative detail, the aspirations and anxieties of authorities who attempted to construct and maintain categories of difference within...
Six Degrees of Alan Lomax: A Review and Multimedia Excerpts
...of John A. Lomax (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996); Szwed, Alan Lomax. "The best pay-dirt I struck in Louisiana," he recalled, "was a young woman who worked in a...
Dancing Around the "Glaring Light of Television": Black Teen Dance Shows in the South
...analysis draws on archival documents, promotional materials, newspapers, photographs, and interviews to explore how these shows got on and stayed on the air and what they meant to their audiences....
Reuse, Author Choice, and the Open Access Spectrum: New Creative Commons Licenses for Southern Spaces Authors
...derivative works, such as those "consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship."1"17 US Code, Chapter 1, Section 101–Definitions,"...
Three Poems and a Critique of Postracialism
...popularity came and went with an alarming ease following the election of Barack Obama as the forty-fourth President of the United States of America. In the heady days following Henry...
Ablaze: The 1849 White Supremacist Attack on the Pendleton Post Office
...1849. Vague and clumsy references to letters in code and cyphers in his correspondence directed to Barrett made his situation look damning. One newspaper from North Carolina noted that if it...
North Carolina: A State of Shock
...from any legal restraints (and public disclosure).21Michael S. Kang, "After Citizens United," Indiana Law Review 44, no. 243 (2010): 243–255. Whatever their differences, these corporate-funded groups are united by two...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...significant barrier to health and human services in the Midlands.18United Way of the Midlands, Facing Facts: United Way of the Midlands Update for 2004: A Study of Issues That Shape...