Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...Barnard for The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto") by Victor Séjour (1817–1874), a New Orleans free man of color, was initially published in the March...
Walking into History: The Beginning of School Desegregation in Nashville
...buildings and equipment, newer textbooks, higher levels of teacher training, smaller pupil-teacher ratios, closer administrative and school board oversight. Protesters in the street on the day Nashville schools were desegregated,...
"This is Not Dixie:" The Imagined South, the Kansas Free State Narrative, and the Rhetoric of Racist Violence
...the Midwest. Ten minutes later he has forgotten and again assumes I have been traveling through the South."5James W. Loewen, Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism. (New York: The New...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?
...and New Mexico, 1800–1850 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 37. Wahlstrom's research makes clear that the US-Mexico War did not diminish economic and settlement patterns. Instead, ex-Confederate migration mapped...
Cherokee Removal Scenes: Ellijay, Georgia, 1838 Cherokee laws and reject the proposed constitutional form of governance.15See Mooney’s History, 113–14; William G. McLoughlin, Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), 191–92, and...
Three Poems and a Critique of Postracialism
...Poems and a Pandemic" in Political Emotions: New Agendas in Communication, ed. Janet Steiger et al. (New York: Routledge, 2010). And, as a happening, poetry has a particular power to depict...
Spatial Humanities and Modes of Resistance: A Review of HyperCities
...(103). This multi-media interplay is a relatively new convention for academic writing. Here, old-school New Historicist methods comingle with explications of computer code and user interface to demonstrate how digital...
Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story
...the transparency of film and replaces this with a performative exchange between subjects, filmmakers/apparatus and spectators."11Stella Bruzzi, New Documentary: A Critical Introduction (New York: Routledge, 2000): 6. When our own...
Before Tuskegee: Public Health and Venereal Disease in Hot Springs, Arkansas
...Diseases, ed. William Josephus Robinson (New York: The Altrurians, 1909). For historical studies on this, see Theodor Rosebury, Microbes and Morals: The Strange Story of Venereal Disease (New York: Viking...
Reuse, Author Choice, and the Open Access Spectrum: New Creative Commons Licenses for Southern Spaces Authors
Southern Spaces is now offering authors the option of distributing new work published in the journal under a Creative Commons license. Beginning in 2014, in addition to retaining copyright of...