...reclaim. Because I don't get home much anymore, I notice the smallest scintilla of change, every burnt-out trailer and newly paved road, and the larger, slower change that is exponential,...
Accidents Happen with Clockwork Regularity
...clouds. And then you are in your kitchen, cutting onions at the counter as tears roll from your burning eyes, waiting for the nightly news while the chicken thaws in...
Jarvis Branch, North Carolina
Chris Carter’s home being moved out of the right-of-way of I-26, Jarvis Branch, NC, 1996. Photo courtesy of Rob Amberg. Chris Carter’s house being moved to new location off of...
Mars Hill, North Carolina
New Waffle House NC 213 in Mars Hill, Mars Hill, NC, 2004. Photo courtesy of Rob Amberg. Signage on NC 213 in Mars Hill, Mars Hill NC, 2004. Photo courtesy...
The Tulip Quilt [ca 1880]
...advertised his cleaning and repair service: "Bring in your sewing machines and have them made good as new." The fabric on the back of the Tulip quilt is a fine...
Paul's Crazy Quilt [ca 1875 and ca 1915]
...no evidence of an attempt to coordinate the colors between the old and new parts of the quilt. The eight blocks are arranged unevenly around the center star, and the...
Whole Cloth Chintz Wedding Quilt [ca 1850]
...than practical. Rosa's new husband could certainly afford to provide the household goods the couple needed. In many communities, however, it was traditional for the bride's family to supply the...
Nine Mile Circle Trolley, circa 1895
...a number of beautiful suburban homes have been erected...." ("New Houses Erected" Atlanta Constitution (March 8, 1894), p. 8 ) Nine Mile Circle Trolley, circa 1895 Published: 15 January 2008...
Margaret Walker's "Micah" (1970)
...they shall not be remembered in the Book of Life. Micah was a man. Published in Prophet's for a New Day Published: 11 March 2008 © 2008 Southern Spaces...
At Sun Ra's Grave
...hung in a bronze policeman's grip. Dew rises through the halflight, a gauze, departing wings. * One drifts in the neon glow of the church's sign, News wrapped tight around...