An Unflinching Look: An Interview with Photographer Benjamin Dimmitt many corpses that you can't move freely. Someone who wrote about my project wrote that it reminded him of a Civil War battlefield with corpses everywhere. And this was...
Wanted eLove: Queer Square Spaces and the Revolution in Digital Intimacy
...evolved to include hanky codes, gay bar and bathhouse secret codes, and other gendered and sexualized forms of inclusion or exclusion. In a letter to the editor published in NEWSWEST,...
Good-Bye to All That?
...the Koch Brothers. Through the 1990s and the last decade, the wealthy retail magnate relentlessly promoted a right-wing agenda even as he used his considerable clout to defeat moderate Republican...
Scales Intimate and Sprawling: Slavery, Emancipation, and the Geography of Marriage in Virginia
...continuing her marriage to Barbour, so he forbade the freedman from trespassing on his property and shot at him when he did. Poe brought Barbour before the Freedmen's Court, arguing...
North Carolina: A State of Shock
...chapter on the state "North Carolina: The Progressive Myth," (New York: Basic Books, 1976), 218–247. Naked Partisanship All that has changed. With a Republican governor and Republican controlled legislature, legislation...
Call for Submissions: Remembering COVID-19
Call for Submissions Southern Spaces invites scholars, critics, writers, health care providers, public health practitioners, activists, media producers, community organizers, and patients to submit 1,000-word blog posts, as well as...
Race & Gender in the Latinx South: A Review of Cecilia Márquez’s Making the Latino South & Sarah McNamara’s Ybor City
Introduction In 2003, Raymond Mohl’s description of the “latinization” of the late twentieth century US South (the “Nuevo New South”) helped set the stage for an expanding body of cross-disciplinary...
Television News and the Civil Rights Struggle: The Views in Virginia and Mississippi
..."freedom fighters." The Richmond Afro-American characterized the police action as "bestiality" and "ruthless savagery" and compared it to Hitler's persecution of Jews and Khrushchev's repression of Hungarian freedom fighters. The...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...use of imagery has critiqued, promoted, and problematized the idea of the South and its rap music culture. Rap and Place Perhaps the most remarkable dimension of the Dirty South...
"Puerto Ricans Live Free": Race, Language, and Orlando's Contested Soundscape
...don't they just learn Spanish, after all it's the second most spoken language?" Juan agreed, pointing out that in the Dominican Republic students have to learn Creole, Spanish, and English....