Landscapes and Ecologies of the US South: Essays in Eco-Cultural History
...equality on this site of white terror," Goldstein points to the slave market's role in the twentieth century as an "all-purpose protest site." Efforts by "heritage tourism" advocates to elide...
Whatwuzit?: The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Reconsidered
...issue of temporary workers brought in to construct and staff the Olympic Village and sporting centers then laid off after the Games' close. After Eric Rudolph's pipe bomb was detonated...
Residues of Border Control not show encounters between Border Patrol officers and migrants, but they depict the rubber gloves and bullet casings. They do not follow immigrants into detention, but register the residue—detention...
When the Border Crossed Me
...bloodied knee-length white coats and black rubber boots they'd worn that day in the nearby chicken processing plant, and said they had heard I needed help harvesting blackberries on my...
The "Achilles' Heel" of Jim Crow: A Review of Landscapes of Exclusion
...existing state parks or designate new park sites for "colored" only. It wasn't until the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund (LDF) began filing lawsuits in the late 1940s that southern states...
Black Lives at Arlington National Cemetery: From Slavery to Segregation
...Russell. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Image is in public domain. Because of these stories, Arlington has provided a terrific site for me to convey to touring groups, which have included...
Oak Ridgidness: Lindsey Freeman’s Longing for the Bomb
...Laboratory. Built as part of the Manhattan Project during World War II, Oak Ridge was one of three federal production sites housing workers and scientists who developed the atomic bomb....
New Pasts: Historicizing Immigration, Race, and Place in the South Dalton, Georgia,” in New Destinations of Mexican Immigration in the United States: Community Formation, Local Responses and Inter-Group Relations, ed. Víctor Zúñiga and Rubén Hernández-León, (New York: Russell Sage...
A Well-Tied Knot: Atlanta's Mobility Crisis and the 2012 T-SPLOST Debate
...And it is here, among area progressives and their interest groups, that the T-SPLOST's story becomes most interesting.10Aaron Gould Sheinin and Greg Bluestein, "Deal: Rule out revote," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,...
The Countryside Transformed: The Eastern Shore of Virginia, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Creation of a Modern Landscape
...region at the crossroads of American geography on the eastern seaboard. They were confident that the rush to build railroads "cannot fail to convey toward the seaboard." Indeed, they expected...