Low-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History
...through discourses around immigration and work, in recent decades relying upon tropes of the "immigrant work ethic," racially-coded language about "lazy" workers, and the socio-economic category of "labor shortages." We...
Trying the Dark: Mammoth Cave and the Racial Imagination, 1839–1869
...reconstruct Bishop and other cave guides as avatars of slave self-empowerment. While these historical figures found ways of confusing the behavioral codes of slavery in their everyday interactions with cave...
North Carolina: A State of Shock
...http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl?Session=2013&BillID=H937. There was also red meat for religious conservatives. During his 2012 campaign for governor, former Charlotte mayor Pat McCrory had promised to concentrate on promoting jobs while avoiding divisive...
Hoboken Style: Meaning and Change in Okefenokee Sacred Harp Singing
...Association. In addition to hymn singing during the service, members gathered to sing hymns before the start of the service, a practice which continues today. Fellowship at a nearby home...
History, Geography, and the New Orleans Tourism Industry: A Review of Bourbon Street
...no longer afford to live there. But Campanella's study is less concerned with illuminating this mutuality than in promoting Bourbon Street as the quintessential American success story. NOPD Police Sign...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...New Orleans artist Willie Birch, Sakakeeny transports readers to the second line and beyond, to the debates surrounding the production of brass music today. Sakakeeny's ongoing relationships with New Orleans's cultural...
How I Shed My Skin
Presentation and Review Civil rights narratives often empower and embolden, promoting faith in possibilities, hope for rectifying inequities. More sober assessments show that, though we've come a long way—thanks to...
A Green Democratic Revolution
...first ecological demands did not acquire a central role; they were seen as one demand among many others that a progressive politics had to consider. Today, the situation is different....
Memphis: Cotton Fields, Cargo Planes, and Biotechnology
...will become a "world-class" city with references to enhancing the dynamics of distribution, promoting a revitalized downtown, building sports arenas, expanding the zoo, redeveloping the riverfront, and promoting the city's...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...his master's life . . . but today, today when he knows that, in eighteen hours, his wife will no longer be among the living, he flies to throw himself...