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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

The Podcast and the Police: S‑Town and the Narrative Form of Southern Queerness

...9, 2017,; Aja Romano, "S-Town is a stunning podcast. It probably shouldn't have been made," Vox, April 1, 2017, Around the same time that plans for a movie...

COVID-19 Vaccine and the Right to Public Health

...Paulo Eduardo Dias, "São Paulo Approaches 99% of Adults with the First Dose of the Covid Vaccine," Folha De S.Paulo, August 15, 2021,; "See the Calculation Map of all...

Whatwuzit?: The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Reconsidered

...sprung up alongside the highways, where you could get gas, buy a hot dog and candy plus stock up on concrete lawn statues and souvenir mugs and gaudy T-shirts."1 In...

Reconsidering Appalachian Studies

...Studies needs to add disciplines both to broaden the field's perspective and to add depth to its understanding of regional realities. To be sure, that will be a challenging task...

Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach

...Negga as captured by cinematographer Adam Stone, Richard turns and stares into the beyond, back down the road from which they came. While Mildred is intent on raising their children...

Remembering Jake Adam York (1972–2012)

Jake Adam York during an interview with Natasha Trethewey, 2008. Jake Adam York served faithfully on the Southern Spaces editorial board. His insight, enthusiasm, and generosity will be missed. Jake Adam...