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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Nannie's Stone: Commemoration and Resistance

...a compelling site of emotional connection, commemoration, and resistance. Finally, we speculate as to why persons unknown, on the night of Juneteenth, sought to attack this particular site. The Mount...

Back to the Future: Mapping Workers Across the Global South 2006. For a detailed study, see Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, "Domestic Violence in Uzbekistan," December 2000. Available at: [accessed 3–26–10]. The Uzbek government maintains no official statistics...

Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs

...a training site near Anniston. By the early 1960s, the Army's entire Chemical-Biological-Radiological Corps Command was moved to Anniston, and the site also became home to a chemical weapons storage...