An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...however, something unexpected happened. An African American named Brenda Ethridge stepped up to the microphone. She introduced herself as a descendant of Aunt Grace, the first slave owned by Chang...
Uncovering Networks of (Mis)Communication in Early America
...disparate strands of evidence in Spanish, English, French, and indigenous language sources into a larger tapestry characterized by the irony of communication, she leaves a number of loose ends. Mentioning...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy the center of the state, less than two hours from the Upstate area of Greenville and the growing suburbs of Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Low Country, including Charleston....
"Out Yonder on the Road": Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast Missouri
...the winter months, and invest their gains in labor-saving machinery, such as tractors. Between 1936 and 1941, the Bootheel's tenancy rate—which measured the number of those who did not own...
Sea Changes in Personhood
...who teaches in the English department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, masters a variety of critical discourses such as post-structuralism (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari), Caribbean philosophy (Édouard Glissant and...
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones
...his wife, Martha Custis Washington. After Mrs. Washington's death in 1802, a number of her slaves at Mount Vernon were inherited by Martha Custis Peter, adding to the Peter family...
James Holland, Riverkeeper: Environmental Protection along the Altamaha take, returning the rest to forage through the delta mud. The numbers in the coolers spoke: they were falling, 300 pounds, 225, 175. Every year they fell—he remembers 1,500...
Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs
...the town's industrial capacity and access to natural resources and cheap labor. As Spears notes, Anniston was founded as an experiment during Reconstruction and by the 1880s had been dubbed...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...also lived four years in Boulder, Colorado, a place ringed with 17,000 acres of green space, and so he had an appreciation for environmental issues. "I could walk out my...
Ungesund: Yellow Fever, the Antebellum Gulf South, and German Immigration
...1850 and 1860 provide population statistics by nation of origin, providing the total number of German-born in each state. Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth U.S. Census 1860a-04,...