"The Room that We're Able to Take Up": Forrest Lawson's Queer Aesthetic
...I specifically reference the Pulse tragedy in my work with the number 49. A lot of my work features the multiplicity of that number. The blood slide pieces in What...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia
...Tennessee Valley Authority, responsible for this spill, used MTR coal from a number of different sites. The environmental and cultural costs are astronomical for a process where a "typical operation"...
The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript
...numbers and letters in each quadrant of the X, recorded coded information. Later, as I recalled my odyssey through drowned areas of the city, I kept returning to that visual...
Besieged Terrain
...the people who had destroyed them. Map showing Robinson Forest and surrounding sites of mountaintop removal and strip-mining, Robinson Forest, Kentucky, 2012. Map by Southern Spaces, created with Google Earth...
Emory University Team Launches Mobile Tour App for Historic Battle of Atlanta Sites
...the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) at Emory University has launched a self-guided mobile tour of Battle-related sites throughout the city, complete with maps, historical information, photos and videos,...
Whatwuzit?: The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Reconsidered
...Atlanta was voted number two in Fortune's 1995 'Best Cities for Business' list, the city also ranks number two in the nation in income disparity between blacks and whites, number...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...median for all groups—Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics. Hispanics in West Columbia appear to have both higher numbers in poverty and higher household incomes than Hispanics or Blacks in Columbia or...
"This is Not Dixie:" The Imagined South, the Kansas Free State Narrative, and the Rhetoric of Racist Violence
...Act of 1854, it became the site of a struggle between northern and southern settlers over the extension of slavery. Although some northern white settlers opposed slavery on moral grounds,...
Confederates in Mexico: Lost Cause or New South Vanguard?
Review The defeat of the Confederacy, the prospect of military occupation and Republican state government, and the financial collapse of many plantations and businesses sent a number of white southerners...
The Poetics of Rescue and Resilience: A Conversation with Jericho Brown on The Selected Shepherd
...for The Selected Shepherd, you present a generally equal number from each of his six collections, with a little bit more from Angel, Interrupted. What were you looking for as...