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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Genres of Southern Literature

...for southern literature. This tradition is not without irony, given the other directive that has long governed southern literary study: the emphasis on promoting "internal" or a-historical, non-contingent readings of...

Southern Spaces: A Partial History hand, using the coding view in Dreamweaver. I tried to code it all in xhtml. As we brought on additional students to help—Sarah Toton, Steve Bransford, Paul O'Grady, Jere...

A Green Democratic Revolution

...challenges of the twenty-first century. To secure clean air and water, climate and community resilience, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all. To promote justice and...

Katrina, One Year Later: Three Perspectives

...had gone off just a few days earlier. The only exception to this that I encountered was around the big casinos in Biloxi. Construction crews were feverishly working on the...

Shreveport, Louisiana images

Shreveport, Louisiana: Landscaping, El Dorado Casino Resort Today, the downtown and waterfront areas, bustle with tourist, most of whom gamble at one of several riverboat casinos. Artist's Rendering of RiverView...